Put the finishing touch on any landscape...
By applying a topdressing such as bark or fertimulch, you can achieve that finished, fresh look to any landscape project. Topdressing can also add valuable nutrients to the soils, protect root systems of plant material from the elements and retain valuable moisture, all of which improve your landscape performance. It has been proven that applying a mulch can also reduce weed germination keeping your investment looking its best.
Bark Mulch
Bark mulch is typically the least expensive and most commonly used form of mulch. Bark provides the most effective control of weed germination in landscape beds.
Organic Mulches
Organic mulches such as fertimulch or compost, add valuable nutrients to the soil and promote healthy soil structure, which reduces the need for fertilizer. Due to their high organic content, organic mulches typically do not control weed growth as well as bark mulch.
With several mulch choices you are sure to be pleased with the results!