Water Conservation
Water is becoming a precious and costly resource. Irrigation systems in the Northwest may run 100 cycles per season using as much as 25 gallons per minute over several hours. Poorly adjusted heads, vaporization loss from high system pressure, clocks without automatic, weather station based, update capability, and mainlines unprotected by a master valve can waste thousands of gallons per cycle.
"I often find that automatic irrigation systems are wasting half of the water being applied on commercial properties. Usually, this is due to poor watering schedules, lack of maintenance and old, outdated hardware". Jenna Smith, Project Manager, Seattle Public Utilities 'Saving Water Partnership'.
A comprehensive irrigation system audit looks deeper than standard maintenance monitoring for ways to save you money and water through hardware improvements and program management based on site conditions and plant needs. In combination with rebates available through the Saving Water Partnership and Cascade Water Alliance we can often reduce water usage by as much as 35% and provide an ROI in 2-3 years.